December 4, 2017

Anne receives a poster award at the Bay Area RNA Club (BARC) meeting. Congratulations Anne!

December 1, 2017

Billy is promoted to Associate Professor with tenure. Great work form everyone, past and current!

November 29, 2017

Amruta Bhate joins the lab as the newest postdoc! She came from UIUC, where she did her PhD work. Welcome, Amruta!

November 28, 2017

Review article on the evolution and adaptation of RNA editing spearheaded by Arielle is published in PLoS Genetics. Congratulations!

November 17, 2017

Arielle's work on adaptation of gene expression and RNA editing in Drosophila is published in Nature Communications. Congratulations!

November 7, 2017

Anne successfully defended her PhD thesis. Congratulations Anne!

October 30, 2017

Review article on ADAR RNA editing cowritten by Carl Walkley and Billy is published in Genome Biology.

October 11, 2017

Our work on RNA editing is published in Nature. We are also involved in six other GTEx papers published in Nature, Nature Genetics, and Genome Research. Congratulations all!

September 15, 2017

We received another R01 grant from NIMH. Congratulations all!

September 5, 2017

Our collaborative work with Carl Walkley's lab is published in Genome Biology.

September 1, 2017

We received an R01 grant from NIGMS. Congratulations all!

July 25, 2017

Our collaborative work with Jan Carette's lab is published in Cell Reports.

May 3, 2017

Tricia successfully defended her PhD thesis. Congratulations Tricia!

March 6, 2017

Arielle successfully defended her PhD thesis. Congratulations Arielle!

February 13, 2017

Our collaborative work with Monte Winslow's lab is published in Nature Medicine.

January 27, 2017

Our work on RNA editing regulation by Meng How, Qin, and many wonderful collaborators is accepted by Nature. Congratulations all!

January 12, 2017

Our collaborative work with Lin He's group is published in Science. Congratulations all!

January 3, 2017

Our work on evolutionary analysis of RNA editing in Drosophila by Rui, Tricia, and Dionna is accepted by PLOS Genetics. Congratulations all!

October 1, 2016

New postdoc Xin Liu joins the lab! Welcome Xin!

September 1, 2016

Review by Gokul and Billy on RNA editing site identification is published in Methods!

July 1, 2016

Our collaborative work with Carl Walkley's group on ADAR1 is published in Experimental Hematology!

June 22, 2016

Qin received the Dean's Fellowship from Stanford School of Medicine. Congratulations Qin!

May 3, 2016

Our collaborative work with Julie Baker's group is published in Developmental Biology!

March 10, 2016

Anne receives travel fellowship from the RNA society to attend RNA2016 in Kyoto. Congratulations Anne!

March 1, 2016

Anne's NIH F31 pre-doctoral fellowship is favorably scored at 2%. Congratulations Anne!

January 27, 2016

Our joint work on ADAR1 RNA editing suppression of innate immune stress responses is published in JBC.

November 30, 2015

Emily is awarded two years of postdoctoral fellowhip funding from American Heart Association. Congratulations, Emily!

October 1, 2015

Our joint work on RNA editing in cancer is published in Cancer Cell.

August 31, 2015

We received NIH supplment fund to join the CommonMind Consortium.

August 26, 2015

Dionna wins one of the best poster awards at the Bio-X Undergraduate Summer Research Symposium. Congratulations, Dionna!

July 28, 2015

Gokul and Tricia's work on Drosophila editing QTL mapping is accepted by Nature Communications. Congratulations, Gokul and Tricia!

July 23, 2015

Our joint work, published in Science, reveals the key function of ADAR1 and molecular mechanisms.

June 23, 2015

Tao is awarded two years of funding of the Milton Safenowitz Post Doctoral Fellowship from the ALS Association. Congratulations, Tao!

May 7, 2015

Our collaborative GTEx work results in three publications, appearing in Nature Genetics, Science, and Genome Research.

April 27, 2015

Dionna receives fellowship from Stanford Bio-X Undergraduate Summer Research Program. Congratulations, Dionna!

April 1, 2015

Anne's paper on cis and trans regulatory effects using hybrid Drosophila species is accepted by Cell Reports. Congratulations, Anne!

April 1, 2015

Billy made his comments on RNA editing in the cancer transcriptome for Genetic Engineering & Biotechnolgoy News.

March 25, 2015

Sandra Linder starts in the lab as a technician. Welcome Sandra!

March 12, 2015

Fun time and a mini lab reunion at the Gordon Research Conference on RNA editing in Italy! At the meeting, Billy is elected as Vice Chair for the next meeting in 2017.

February 3, 2015

Our collaborative work on Abcb5 is published in PLoS Medicine!

January, 2015

A month of lab turnover with happy and sad moments. New postdoc Qin Li, joint with Julie Baker lab, starts in the lab. Rui and Robert finished their successful postdoctoral training. Rui is starting his own lab at Sun Yat Sen University in China (awarded with the prestigious 1000 Talent Plan for Distinguished Young Scholars). Robert will be moving to Genentech to start a staff scientist position. Congratulations, all!

October 23, 2014

Our collaborative work on Cas9/CRSIPR in Drosophila is published in Cell Reports!

September 15, 2014

New postdoc Tao Sun joins us. Tao did his graduate work on plant RNA editing at Cornell. Welcome Tao!

August 18, 2014

Nick LaPlante joins the lab for his thesis work. Welcome Nick!

July 7, 2014

Nick LaPlante, a first year graduate student, starts his rotation in the lab. Welcome Nick!

May 24, 2014

First lab retreat at Guerneville, Armstrong Redwoods, and Healdsburg.

May 2, 2014

Featured in GenomeWeb: Stanford Team to Use Targeted RNA-Seq for Allele-Specific Expression Analysis of GTEx Samples.

May 1, 2014

Our collaborative work on RNA allelic expression of deleterious variants is published by PLoS Genetics! It is also featured in SCOPE published by Stanford Medicine.

April 22, 2014

Our U01 grant (in collabaration with Stephen Montgomery) is funded by NIH!

February 27, 2014

Our collaborative work on RNA allelic expression of deleterious variants is accepted by PLoS Genetics!

January 6, 2014

Jessica Chang, a first year Genetics graduate student, starts her rotation in the lab. Welcome Jessica!

December 17, 2013

Our collaborative work on Alu RNA editing is published in Genome Research.

November 24, 2013

Rui's work describing a technology to efficiently and cost-effectively quantify RNA allelic ratios with targeted RNA sequencing using microfluidic multiplex PCR is published in Nature Methods. Congratulations, Rui!

October 28, 2013

Billy and George's review on RNA editing appears in Nature Neuroscience!

October 25, 2013

Gokul's work on the RADAR database appears in Nucleic Acids Research.

October 22, 2013

Robert's work is featured in BioTechniques ("Seq"ing SNPs in RNA Data).

October 3, 2013

Gokul's work describing an RNA editing database is accepted by Nucleic Acids Research! The database, called RADAR (rigorously annotated database of A-to-I RNA editing), is now available online (

September 26, 2013

Robert's paper on reliable identification of SNPs from RNA-seq data is now published in American Journal of Human Genetics.

September 11, 2013

Billy and George's review on RNA editing is accepted by Nature Neuroscience!

August 15, 2013

A happy and sad day - Meng How's last day in the lab! Meng How is heading back to start his own lab at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. We took our group pictures in the Alway courtyard and California cafe to bid our farewell.

August 9, 2013

Robert's paper describing a method to reliably identify SNPs in RNA-seq data (aka SNPiR) is accepted by American Journal of Human Genetics. Supporting documents and scripts of SNPiR are here. Congratulations, Robert!

July 5, 2013

Another R01 grant (joint with Julie Baker and Mike Cherry) is funded by NIH!

June 24, 2013

Anne officially starts in the lab. Welcome back, Anne!

June 19, 2013

Robert is awarded the Dean's Postdoctoral Fellowship at Stanford. Congratulations, Robert!

March 29, 2013

Tricia and Anne are both awarded the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Fellowship. Congratulations, Tricia and Anne!

February 20, 2013

Our first R01 grant is funded by NIH!

January 9, 2013

Robert's work is published in Nature Biotechnology.

January 7, 2013

Abbey Thompson, a first year Genetics graduate student, starts her rotation in the lab. Welcome Abbey!

January 6, 2013

Gokul and Rui's joint work is published online in Nature Methods.

January 6, 2013

Meng How and Gokul each gives a talk at the Gordon Research Seminar on RNA editing.

December 11, 2012

The joint work by Gokul and Rui to identify RNA editing sites using RNA-seq data alone is accepted by Nature Methods. Congratulations, Gokul, Rui, and collaborators!

December 7, 2012

The Q&A on "The difficult calls in RNA editing" by Billy and others in the field is published in Nature Biotechnology.

November 15, 2012

Billy's work on "OligoPaint" with Dr. Ting Wu's lab at Harvard Medical School is accepted by PNAS.

November 9, 2012

Robert gives a platform talk on his work of identifing SNPs from RNA-seq data at the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) annual meeting.

November 5, 2012

Emily Crane starts in the lab as a new postodc. Welcome, Emily!

September 26, 2012

A correspondence by Robert and collaborators at BGI has been accepted by Nature Biotechnology. Congratulations, Robert!

September 25, 2012

Anne Sapiro, a first year graduate student of the Genetics program, starts her rotation in the lab. Welcome Anne!

September 21, 2012

We are awarded a shared grant from Nancy Lurie Marks Family Foundation.

September 1, 2012

Our work on "Activity-dependent A-to-I RNA editing in rat cortical neurons" is published in GENETICS as a cover story.

August 27, 2012

Our work on Xenopus transcriptome sequencing is officially accepted by Genome Research! Congratulations, Meng How, Arielle, and our collaborators from the labs of Wing Wong and Julie Baker!

August 7, 2012

Our collaborative work on RNA editing changes in autism is now published in Molecular Psychiatry!

July 30, 2012

Emily Crane decides to join our lab for her postdoc training starting October! Emily recently graduated from Dr. Barbara Meyer's lab at Berkeley. She will be supported by the IRACDA (Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Award) fellowship funded by NIH.

July 13, 2012

The Personal Genomes Project paper from Church Lab is now published online in PNAS!

June 21, 2012

We are awarded a joint grant with Erez Levanon from the US - Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF)!

July 14, 2011

Jennefer Kohler comes back to the lab from University of Washington as a summer intern. Welcome back, Jenn!

June 5, 2012

Our collaborative work with Neville Sanjana, Erez Levanon, and others on "Activity-dependent A-to-I RNA editing in rat cortical neurons" has been accepted by GENETICS!

May 25, 2012

Gokul receives prestigious Stanford Graduate Fellowship (SGF, 2012 - 2015). Congratulations Gokul!

May 22, 2012


ricia joins the lab as a graduate student. Welcome Tricia!

May 21, 2012

We are awarded the Ellison Medical Foundation New Scholar Award in Aging!

April 4, 2012

Our work that establishes a computational method to reliably identify RNA editing sites is published in Nature Methods. Congratulations, Gokul, Wei, and Robert!

April 2, 2012

Gerald Tiu (1st year MSTP student) and Tricia Deng (1st year Structural Biology Program student) start their rotation in the lab. Welcome, Gerald and Tricia!

March 15, 2012

Our commentary on the "Widespread RNA and DNA Sequence Differences in the Human Transcriptome" is published in Science, along with two other comments by Kleinman and Majewski, and Pickrell, Gilad, and Pritchard, and the response from original authors. A nicely written blog post by Joe Pickrell is here, and Nature New by Erika Check Hayden is here.

February 24, 2012

Robert is awarded a postdoctoral fellowship from DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service). Congratulations Robert!

December 19, 2011

The first paper of Li Lab (a peer reviewed commentary) is accepted by Science. Congratulations all!

December 1, 2011

Rui is awarded the Dean's Postdoctoral Fellowship from Stanford School of Medicine. Congratulations, Rui!

October 2, 2011

Ryan Bell, a first year Genetics program graduate student at Stanford, starts his rotation in the lab. Welcome Ryan!

September 1, 2011

Rui Zhang joins the lab as our third postdoc. Rui comes to us from Chung-I Wu's group at Beijing Institute of Genomics. Welcome Rui!

August 29, 2011

Arielle finished her rotation and decided to join the lab. Welcome Arielle!

July 5, 2011

Jennefer Kohler comes to the lab from University of Washington as a summer intern. Welcome Jenn!

June 23, 2011

Arielle Yablonovitch, a first year biophysics program graduate student at Stanford, starts her rotation in the lab. Welcome Arielle!

June 20, 2011

Gokul Ramaswami joins the lab as the very first graduate student! Welcome back Gokul!

May 9, 2011

Robert Piskol starts in the lab as a postdoctoral fellow! Not many days ago, Robert successfully defended his Ph.D. at University of Munich, Germany. Welcome Robert!

Apr 7, 2011

Amy Young joins the lab. Amy is a pre-med freshman at Stanford. Welcome Amy!

Jan 10, 2011

Stu Blair joins the lab. Stu is a senior and will be enrolled in the BMI masters program at Stanford this fall. Welcome Stu!

Jan 6, 2011

Gokul Ramaswami, a first year Genetics Program graduate student at Stanford, starts his rotation in the lab. Gokul is our first rotation student - Welcome Gokul!

Jan 3, 2011

Kesav Raghavan becomes the lab's second undergraduate student researcher. Kesav is a senior at Stanford and will attend medical school this Fall. Welcome Kesav!

Jan 3, 2011

Meng How officially starts as the lab's first postdoc. Welcome again Meng How!

Nov 3, 2010

Meng How Tan decided to be the lab's first postdoctoral fellow soon! Meng How obtained his Ph.D. from Stanford and B.S. from UC Berkeley. Welcome Meng How!

Oct 19, 2010

Sandy Huang joins the lab as an undergraduate researcher! Sandy is a sophomore from the Computer Science Department at Stanford. Welcome Sandy!

Oct 18, 2010

Spenser Smith joins the lab as a Life Science Research Assistant! Spenser just graduated from University of Washington in May. Welcome Spenser!

Sept 1, 2010

Li Lab officially launches.
