SNPiR: Reliable Identification of Genomic Variants Using RNA-seq Data Getting Ready: Step 1. download necessary files: from UCSC browser: hg19 genome (make sure to get ALL the chromosomes -, hg19 repeat masker annotation (in bed format), Refseq, UCSC, Gencode, Ensembl gene annotation files - use "all fields from selected table" output format - concatenate all gene annotation files (careful: the UCSC gene annotation file is missing the first field, so make sure to add it - awk '{OFS="\t";print "1",$0}') - sort concatenated gene annotation file based on chromosome and transcript start (sort -k3,3 -k5,5n) from : list of known RNA editing sites (in bed format), Step 2. download required software: samtools, bedtools, command line blat, perl, bwa, GATK, picardtools Step 3. change paths to your samtools, bedtools and blat executables in file in the SNPiR package Mapping reads: Step 1. Concatenate splice junction sequence file with hg19 reference genome (junction files are provided at Step 2. Create bwa index for this concatenated file Step 3. Map reads with bwa as single end sequences to this reference file Step 4. Combine single reads into one file Step 5. Convert the position of reads that map across splicing junctions onto the genome: java -Xmx2g convertCoordinates < in.sam > out.sam Step 6. Use Picard MarkDuplicates to remove duplicate reads Step 7. Filter out unmapped reads and reads with mapping quality < 10 using samtools Step 8. Index this mapping file with samtools Step 9. Perform indel realignment and base quality score recalibration using IndelRealigner, CountCovariates, and TableRecalibration in GATK (see GATK webpage for best practices) Note: use the -U ALLOW_N_CIGAR_READS option for the RealignerTargetCreator step. Note: use the -out_mode EMIT_VARIANTS_ONLY option for the UnifiedGenotyper. Note: use the original hg19 genome (without splicing junctions) as reference for the UnifiedGenotyper Note: use the -glm SNP option for the UnifiedGenotyper to call single nucleotide variants only. Call/filter Variants (see for more information): Step 1. Initial variant calling with GATK UnifiedGenotyper: options of -stand_call_conf 0 -stand_emit_conf 0 Step 2. Convert VCF format to our custom variant format and filter variants with low quality: in.vcf out.txt MINQUAL Step 3. Remove mismatches in first 6 bp of reads: perl Step 4. Use bedtools to remove sites in repetitive regions based on RepeatMasker annotation Further filtering: Step 1. Filter intronic candidates that are within 4 bp of splicing junctions: perl Step 2. Filter candidates in homopolymer runs: perl Step 3. Use BLAT to ensure unique mapping: perl Step 4. Use bedtools to separate out candidates that are known RNA editing sites Output file format: 1.) chromosome 2.) position-1 3.) position 4.) coverage, number of non-reference nucleotides 5.) reference nucleotide 6.) non-reference nucleotide 7.) frequency of non-reference nucleotide